
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Simple as That August 19, 2012

I recently purchased Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and am slowly learning how to use it. My daughter took the pics below and I edited them. Both of these were taken through our front window.

This is one of my husband's finds. I don't even know what you call this face decoration but he found it in a dumpster. I love how it appears to be watching the cat in the background! And I love that I can see it from inside the house and no one can see it outside!

Ni Hao Yall


  1. I have not ventured into lightroom yet- but I hear it's fabulous. Love the perspective of looking out in these.

    1. Lightroom is the only program I have (don't have photoshop) and it's really great. The prices on Amazon aren't bad either. Thanks for visiting!

  2. The photos are great. I love the glow and warmth!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm still learning but I'm having fun! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Fab shots & edits also! Love the face, very cute.

    I am also just learning LR4 rigt now... I just had Photo Shop Elements before, & really LOVE Lightroom a ton more!! Now if I can just figure how to download presets... hmmm?!

    Thanks for linking up again Marty! Love having you!!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. I have so much to learn but it's amazing how a not so good pic can be shaped and changed to look better! Love your blog and your family!

  4. You did a great job on these! LR is fabulous... keep learning, there is so much you can do in LR :)

    1. Thanks, Stefanie! Learning on your own is hard work but it's also so rewarding! I just to cram info in throughout the day! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. oooo...I wanna get Lightroom! I'm where Melanie was...I only have Elements at the moment. How are you for getting a feel for it? It is easy enough to pick or do you think a class or how-to book would be necessary?

    1. There is a big of a learning curve and since I've never had any photoshop that might have made it harder. My niece actually taught me the main things I needed to know. It is a great program and seriously doable. Hope you can get it!

  6. congrats on getting lightroom! lightroom changed my life, it is especially amazing with raw photos!

  7. what a funny face on the tree! I love Lightroom - you will too soon!!


Words of Encouragement