
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Craigslist Deal of the Week

I don't know how many of you use Craigslist, but I believe it's a fabulous source for finding good deals. We have both sold and bought off Craigslist and have had no problems.

I also use the list to plot my yard sale path every week. Very few people buy classified ads in our local newspaper so the list is the best place I've found for posting yard/garage sales. My husband has used it as a source for job possibilities and available musicians. We have sold a bit of furniture on there and bought a few pieces as well.

My husband scours the ads regularly but last week I just happened to glance through the craft category and saw an Ipod listed for $40. I have a Nano my husband gave me one year for my birthday, and I absolutely adore it but I ran out of room to load any additional music. So I sent my husband the link while I was out yardsaling and he brought me home a perfectly good Ipod for $40! I was thrilled and after he wiped off all the sketchy music we reloaded my library and I've got 30 gb of memory to play with.

My oldest son just got an Ipod off ebay for $60 so there are deals to be had if you know where to look. Part of living a frugal lifestyle is researching your options for the best pricing on products, whether it's groceries or clothes or household items or textbooks.

Anyone find any deals this week?


  1. First time visitor via Southern Hospitality....I am also an avid fan of Craigslist both buying and selling. When I am at a buyer's house, I make it a habit to ask if they want to get rid of anything else...I have gotten three marble top end tables and a bedside table that way! Your Ipod score was awesome! Happy hunting!

    1. Hi, Jen! That is a great idea to ask if they're getting of rid of other things! Good for you for being proactive searching for those deals! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. LOVE Craigslist! I I think I enjoy the "hunt" almost as much as the find!


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