
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Menu Plan Monday (and an Epic Fail) August 20, 2012

It's Monday again and I'm totally unprepared for the week. I feel myself slipping back into dread as far as planning meals. I'm totally ready for fall and a soup and sandwiches night. (Here's my Pinterest board for soups if you're interested.) One of my problems is that my hubby is a meat and potatoes kinda guy, but we live on a frugal budget. (Well, it's really not as frugal since groceries have gone up so much.) I don't buy meat unless it's on sale, and I plan our menus around what's in the freezer.

Here was last week's plan:

Monday: Hot dogs wrapped in biscuits, baked beans in the crock pot
Tuesday: Baked French Toast, bacon
Wednesday: Pork Chops in the Crock Pot, rice
Thursday: Mom's Night Out (homeschool moms), leftovers
Friday:  Poppyseed Chicken
Saturday: Pizza (crusts and sauce from Costco)

Made in through Friday before I changed the plan. What was the epic fail? Baked beans in the crock pot. It really sounded like it would be fine since it had molasses and maple syrup as well as tomato paste and broth. Hubby hated it, and he usually manages to choke down most everything. Youngest daughter liked it. And viewing the pics below, you can tell the dog enjoyed it.

Plan for the week. This isn't even a plan, it's more of a "hope I can work myself up into wanting to cook this week!"

Monday: Crock Pot Beans and Rice
Tuesday: Baked Chicken
Wednesday: Spaghetti (homemade canned sauce)
Friday: Crock Pot Beef and Veggies
Saturday: Pizza (Costco crusts)

What have you got cooking this week? I'd love it if you would share a favorite dish or favorite link. Hook me up with your best Pinterest recipes, and I'll definitely follow you!

Linking with I'm an Organizing Junkie


  1. I have been out seeing who my followers are following and I start clicking here and I start clicking there . . . and here I am. I found your wonderful blog. I have been going through some of your posts and I love this site, that you've created. It is a breath of fresh air and I love your re-purposing projects. That window pane coffee table is fabulous! I am your newest follower. Please visit my blog. I would be over-the-moon with delight if you choose to follow me back. Have a wonderful week. Connie :)

  2. Hi! Visiting from Menu Plan Monday. Had to laugh at the bean thing. I always add bacon, because I'm told bacon always makes it better. Just a thought. :D


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