
Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Make a Window Table

Yes, I'm here with another Pinterest inspired project! Surprise, right? As usual, my husband took over and brought it to life. Here are his thoughts.

From Tim:

I was supposed to take pictures throughout the build, but the idea of cleaning my hands and taking a camera pause at every step was inconceivable.  The picture series below begins after the boxing and legs had been completed.  That was an interesting process, since I needed to maintain space around the frame of the sash so it would open without pinching but not really worth going into the details.

The window sash required the most prep time.  I wanted to retain as much of the character as possible while bringing the different woods closer together in color and texture.  Remember, these tables remain completely raw when finished, so there's not much wiggle room to manipulate the surfaces.  The panes had to be re-glazed and nothing beats this product for ease of use and results.  Glazing in a tube - what a concept!  Clean the glass with a razor blade, straighten the lines and...

this is the result.

Might be hard to tell from the picture, but the chief decided she wanted the glazed side turned to the bottom.  That is the shallower face, but by doing it this way, the white glazing is hidden.  So, the original inside of the window is the side turned up.

I was really pleased with the design of the inside storage in conjunction with the hinged window top - especially since I don't work off plans.  I had considered using a solid piece of stained 1/4" plywood I had laying around for the bottom of this compartment.  I didn't want the table to be too heavy, and this was the only design spot to compromise a bit on the material used.  However, I gambled and continued the fence slat theme, beveling the ends at a 45 degree angle so they disappeared.

I was amazed at how clean the windows came...probably should have checked that first thing!  Note to self!

The last thing I wanted near the end was nice, shiny hardware on this rustic piece.  I was unable to find any in the workshop, so I had to break down and buy a pair of brass piano hinges and then just distressed them with sandpaper.  Drats!  The idea was not to spend money on these things!

I did have a pile of old cabinet handles and this was the perfect choice.  A single post installation with a bolt through the hole and the end was in sight.

My favorite element of the two tables I've made is the character of the wood.  It is all terribly marred and full of holes and divots but absolutely beautiful.  The big drawback is warping.  Each piece has to be selected with purpose, and even then the angles don't always turn out perfect.  I will confess to a bit of wood filler at a corner or two!

So, even though it came right out of my head, this table turned out pretty well.  Of course, I learned what to do and not to do for next time (and I know there will be a next time.)  Who knows what I'll use...a door, a shutter, or maybe some old cedar shingles.

SPECIAL NOTE:  One thing I noticed right away, once the tables made it inside, was our pet's reactions.  These must smell AMAZING to them!  If you make one of these out of old, stinky, weathered wood and your dogs are notorious for chewing things they shouldn't, you might have a potential disaster on your hands.  I'm just sayin'...

From Marty:  Take a look at the table in its new living room home. It looks fabulous with the pallet shelf. Yes, my husband is amazing and no, you can't have him. If you'd like to see more of my husband's talent take a look at another table he built.


  1. I guessed it. :)

    It is BEAUTIFUL!

    Can't wait to see pics of it in your living room.

    :) :) :)

  2. Beautiful and fun. What a great idea. I want one :)

    Thanks for sharing at Lines Across.

  3. This is awesome. Are you going to put anything inside of it? I have a similar table that opens and I always want to put something inside but I never know what!

  4. Wow, this is such a GREAT idea! You can show your coffee table books now without being afraid your children will stain them or ruin them otherwise :-)! Thanks for sharing! Liz

  5. Love it. My sister-in-law made a little green house out of old windows. It has such charm. Old windows are worthless for keeping out the cold, but they rock when it comes to recreating them into something else.

  6. Oh I love this table! Well done, Bravo!

  7. wow! that is fabulous! i'll be keeping my eyes peeled for some windows.

  8. It turned out fantastic! I love it. Enjoy!!! Megan

  9. LOVE THIS!!!! I found one similar (i kind of like yours more though!!) on Pinterest because i REALLY want to get one together for our living room!!! good job!!!

    I"m a new follower via Pine Creek Style Link Party!!

  10. This is beautiful! You husband does rock! I love it and I want one too :)

  11. This is such a cute idea! Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  12. Your husband does rock...this table is AMAZING!

  13. I love how this table turned out! So beautiful and creative. Great job, Tim!

  14. Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing at Things I've Done Thursday!

  15. That is a great idea. I love that you used materials you already had...adds character!

  16. Marty, I love it! Your hubby did such a great job! I know it's going to look awesome in your room!

  17. Stopping by to let you know I am featuring your table tomorrow! Thank you for linking up last week! I would love it if you would link up again this week!

  18. Wow! Tim does rock! Your table looks absolutely beautiful and it looks like Tim is very detail oriented. Well done! I'm pinning this. :)

  19. Oooo, I'm coveting. I have plans for a table like this someday (after our basement is finished and we have a big furniture shuffle). What do you think you'll put in it? Are you going to use it as a display case for something special or just keep more typical coffee table stuff in there?

  20. The table is gorgeous. Great job.

  21. Oh wow, this is a one-of-a-kind beauty. Such great vision. Thanks for sharing at our party this week.

  22. Absolutely amazing. Wow. I really want one.


  23. I love your style! Amazing work and a great inspiration. Makes me want to skip work today and get busy making some things! For now, I'll have to just enjoy what you've done and dream, because I need a paycheck. Maybe this weekend though. Thanks for sharing your great project!

  24. I am adding this to my honey-do pin board.....Its awesome : )

  25. I love this! My husband saw something similar to this on HGTV and we've been wanting to make one for our deck. Great job!

  26. SOOOO awesome!!! love when you can take something from pinterest and really make it happen! thank you so much for linking up to Hearts&Homes at!

    be blessed!

  27. Gorgeous!
    You could even use the table to make displays now! Love that idea!
    Would love if you stopped by my linky party to link it up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  28. Love this table! How fun to have such a wonderful husband to help you with your ideas. It turned out perfectly!


  29. Holy Flip! That is fantastic!! What a great idea. Visiting from Bear Rabbit Bear. Would love it if you would share this post at my Make it Pretty Monday link party at The Dedicated House. Wishing you a grand evening. Toodles,Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  30. Gorgeous! And I love that it's written from your hubby's perspective :). THanks so much for linking this to our Handmade Tuesdays party.

  31. I love this table! such a great way to display/store things. We are your newest follower! We would love if you would check out our blog!

  32. Love this idea. i could totally use something this cute on my patio. This would provide the chance to decorate and not have the Louis(fur baby) drag it all over the yard. Hope you don't mind me pinning this.

  33. Wow! This is so amazing! I love it!

  34. Oh wow- I have got to persuade my husband to make me one of these! Found you via The Shabby Nest and am now following you.

  35. Your table is adorable! I have a window that I plan on using to make me one. Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting from Thirty Handmade Days link party.
    ~ Terrie (your new follower)

  36. Beautiful and so lucky to have a handy husband !: )

  37. Thank you so much for sharing this at Make it Pretty Monday link party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you again on Monday! Wishing you a grand evening. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  38. That is beautiful! Coolest window prject i've seen!

  39. Wow that is the greatest window table! I love it! Do you rent out your husband!
    Great project!

  40. Wow! That is seriously awesome! Great project and thanks for the dog tip too!

  41. This is nice! Now that our boys are grown, I wonder if we could have something glass in the house that wouldn't get broken after the first five minutes! I cannot tell you how many windows we've had to replace, not to mention a couple of door frames. I'm assuming that you store things in there and don't set anything on top, right? I've never seen one of these before, and it really is beautiful. Good luck with the dog issue. :-)

  42. Your husband did a great job! I love the table. Can you send him over here? I have a few projects for my husband and they never seem to get done!

  43. How smart. I love it. Im your newest follower. Please come visit me at PICKINandPAINTIN.blogspot and maybe you'll follow back. THANKS.

  44. Great job on the table guys! I want one for my patio now lol! My husband thanks you ;) It looks wonderful. Thanks much for sharing at Cap Creations. Have a great week.

  45. What a creative idea! Love your idea of upcycling that window! :)

    xoxo laurie

  46. Hi, I am a new follower from over at and I just love what you did!! I been wanting one for ever and now i have a idea how to make it. I wish you would have make a step by step tutorial on how to make the bottom part. I you check my blog out too. Great JOb.

  47. Love this table!! I am featuring you today! : )

  48. L-O-V-E this! Just pretty as can be!
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  49. Love Love how this turned out. Very nice. It might inspire me to try one of my WEll my hubby can! Found you via a blog hop and am now a new follower!

  50. Marty!! I'm in LOVE with your table!!!! I want it!!

    Thanks soooo much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! Don't forget to stop by this evening and link up your newest creations! :)

  51. Oh my goodness! You seriously have the greatest husband ever!!! :) That table is AWESOME! Thanks for linking up to "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We hope to see you again! -The Sisters

  52. Gorgeous! Came over from the CSI project! I have some leftover spindles I am hoping to use to make something similar! REally awesome!

  53. Sweet, this is really just beautiful, so rustic and pretty! I am featuring it on my blog tonight and you were chosen as my blog of the week! I would love to put your button on my blog do you have one?


  54. Beautiful! What did you display in it!? Did you separate it into different sections/panes or it was all one area inside. Thanks for sharing on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes last weekend! We love having you join us and hope to see you again this weekend! See you soon!
    Mackenzie :)

  55. This is SO cool! I really wish I had your husband's skill (or at least knew someone with his skill)....LOL! This project is amazing! Hope you don't mind -- I'm adding this to my Pinterest board for future reference.

  56. I can't wait to see it in the living room. It is just gorgeous. are right. Your husband totally rocks! This is such an inspirational post. I would love it if you would share this fabulous post at our WIW linly party. Hope you can join us!


  57. This table turned out beautiful! :)
    You will be featured at tomorrow's {nifty thrifty sunday}!
    XO! Vanessa

  58. What a great project! Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites! Please come back and link up again this week!

  59. I recently had new windows put in my house and saved 1-2 for a project. Great idea maybe I'll make a table for my daughter's apt if she likes it. Thanx

  60. Awesome! I've become SUCH A FAN!
    Quick question: He mentioned "I gambled and continued the fence slat theme, beveling the ends at a 45 degree angle so they disappeared." I'm assuming he's talking about the bottom - but can't figure out whether he beveled the sides of each boards to each other, or whether he beveled the ends to the to side of the table. Crafting curiosity!

    Love it!

    1. Hi, Kelly, Here's my husband's reply: Thanks for your question! I am, indeed, speaking of the bottom (or the shelf under the glass). I beveled the ends to the front and back of the table. It made for a softer look as each one of those boards ended. However, what I intend to go back and fix is a bevel of the first and last boards as they meet each of the other sides, respectively. This will accomplish the same soft look all the way around the perimeter of the table.

  61. Love your table. I've always wanted to make one, but I worry about the panes breaking and injuring someone.



  62. often viewed as a part of an ethnic, aesthetic feature. Incorporating such an aesthetic element to a contemporary design scheme has become increasingly popular among urban homeowners.
    Home Improvement


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