
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

52 LIsts in 52 Weeks #20

Week #20

Things I love about the Internet:

Information at my fingertips about any subject
Up to the second weather updates
Facebook and reconnecting with old friends
Blogs (oh, how I am loving the blogging world)
Instant dictionary/thesaurus
Beautiful photographs
Making new friends with shared trials and dreams
Printable coupons
Educational opportunities for my homeschooling/kids
Youtube (instant access to praise and worship clips)
Watching TV shows I missed online
Did I mention Pinterest? (how I love you :-)
All the latest from Dancing with the Stars (betcha didn't know that about me!)
Keeps me young and hip (my kids are laughing hysterically at this) (and free shipping)
Scrapbooking sites

There are many dangers to the internet, including getting yourself sucked in to a major time waster. It is no different than any other temptation. Self discipline and setting priorities will help you decide when it is too much. As parents of teenage children, we limit their access and time and guard the computer like a hawk. We don't use the TV or computer as a babysitter. As an adult, I have loved the access to educational opportunities in abundance, but I need to guard my time, mind and heart wisely.

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