
Monday, September 3, 2012

Project Life July 2012

Yes, it's September and I'm finishing posting from July. Whatever. It makes me feel less stressed than trying to get everything done each week. The layout below is my Month in Review for July.

I still did partial theme (left side layout) and layout a day misc. (right side layout). This is the first time I've actually printed something to use as the title. Totally simple in keeping with the theme of Project Life. The rest of the left layout captures our gardening bounty this year.

Right side layout is the journaling from a writing prompt about "Enough." It has been fun participating in a few of these prompts to jump start my writing. The layout also sums up the month of July with a few misc. pictures added in. Easy stuff.

Thanks for visiting? Have I convinced anyone to try Project Life yet?

Linking with The Mom Creative

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Words of Encouragement