
Monday, September 3, 2012

Menu Plan Monday Sept. 3, 2012

Do you ever get through the week and the only way you remember what you cooked for your family was from the leftovers in the frig? Or the eraser marks on your menu plan? That sounds like me! Life happens and tired happens and I don't want to eat that happens.

So here are last weeks "suggestions."

Monday: Caribbean rice with smoked sausage
Tuesday: Easy Stuffed Peppers
Wednesday: Crock Pot Beef and Veggies
Thursday: Poppyseed Chicken
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: London Broil (marinated and grilled)

Monday. Check. Tuesday. Already changed the menu. That sure didn't take long. I decided to make our family favorite chicken and chipped beef because my oldest told me I should "put it on the blog." I love that my kids now make suggestions for me to write about/photograph/include. The recipe and pics will be on here soon.

Wednesday I felt a bit under the weather and decided chicken noodle soup would cheer me up. My hubby hates soup during the summer (which I really don't understand because the rest of the meals are usually hot, too) so I don't make soup during these months. But I did this week, just for me :-) Thursday was leftovers and Friday we got invited to another home for dinner. Yes! Saturday was bbq chicken. Yep. I got all the way through Monday and completely changed the rest of the week! The best laid plans and all that jazz.

Here's a pic of our chaotic Sunday Labor Day fun. We went to our oldest daughter and son-in-law's house with my niece Jennifer and her family. That's six adults, two teenagers and three kids. It was loud. It was busy. It was messy (me, not the kids). It was fun seeing my daughter hosting all of us for the first time. We're kinda like a loud Italian family with no Italians.

On to this week's plan. I do only list entrees but actually serve more than that. Just in case you wondered.

Monday: Love Chicken
Tuesday: Easy Stuffed Peppers
Wednesday: Beef and Veggies in the Crock Pot
Thursday: CiCi's Pizza $2.99 all day!
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: London Broil

Anybody want to wager whether I actually follow this? Me neither. What's on your menu this week?

Linking to: I'm an Organizing Junkie

1 comment:

  1. Sun- Split Pea Soup, Mon Peanut noodles with Cabbage, Tues Chicken Caeser Salads, Weds Bean burritos, Thurs Leftovers and Friday takeout! Thursday and Friday never change. I am very faithful to the menu, most weeks I don't change anything. Except sometimes by Wednesday I feel like the leftovers should get eaten so I do sometimes swap Weds and Thurs. And once in a while I get really lazy and order pizza. :)


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