
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Treasure Box for Monetary Gifts

Last fall was a blur for me: taking our oldest son to college and preparing for our daughter's wedding. Lots of emotions and crafting and planning and doing. After the wedding I was just plain tired! Now that I've recouped (okay, maybe it didn't take me almost a year) I wanted to share some of the crafty details of the wedding. This was before my daughter, niece and I joined Pinterest and it was probably a good thing! We would have been up to our eyeballs in projects and not enough time ! As it was, we stretched the budget and the day was amazing.

We wanted a way for wedding guests to put cards (and monetary gifts) in one location. Rachel originally wanted to use a mail box (and I got one free off Freecycle), but she changed her mind. After searching the internet I found many ways to display money and cards, including: a picture frame idea, a wedding cake box, a bird cage holder and a glass wedding card box.

We ended up using a treasure box that Rachel bought for a couple of dollars at a yard sale. My niece printed up the graphics, circle punched and attached with ribbon. I think it's an adorable idea.

This would be a great idea for any party or special event where you need a centralized location for gifts and cards.

Any of you moms (or brides) out there looking for wedding ideas? What are your biggest obstacles to the wedding of your dreams?

For more ideas read about our use of pompoms, our engagementbridal and wedding photographs and the best punch ever!

Linking with: The Thrifty Home, From my Front Porch to Yours


  1. the bride and mother of the bride. Hahaha just kidding. i love you both and miss our sunday planning day :(

  2. that is such a great idea, very cute.

  3. Marty this post comes at just the right time! We are hoping for a spring wedding in our family... and the sweet couple would like a "vintage" wedding!
    I hope you stop by StoneGable and join TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS with this great idea!

  4. Lovely idea!
    Thanks for linking up at the friday chaos hop
    Hope to see you again this week :)

  5. I wish I would've seen this before my wedding... :)) I was so excited for my wedding, i forgot to get one of these... I don't even remember where people put their cards... :))))

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. what a great idea. It looks so cute, will have to suggest this to my engaged friends.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Really cute idea. Those banners seem to be popping up everywhere nowadays. I've seen a ton of mantles using them...
    Saw you on Primp - newest follower: me

  8. Great idea! I didn't discover Pinterest until about a month after I got married, and it probably was a really good thing or I would have been overwhelmed! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

  9. Cute idea! Thank you for sharing your project at Potpourri Friday!

  10. Tres adorbs ~

    Popped in from WSP.

  11. Marty,
    This is a wonderful idea. It would work for those special birthdays too where people might get monetary gifts (18th & 21st). Thank you so much for sharing at Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next week. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  12. i want one now u know. gonna try make one soon

    can i find new followers here> my blog is very lonley

  13. Love this idea. So much so that I featured it as part of my link party wrap up today.

  14. A really cute and unique idea. What a statement to the details you put into the wedding! This could work for so many different reasons. So very pretty! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!


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