
Monday, August 6, 2012

Project Life July 2012

This is one of my favorite layouts for 2012 so far. My niece actually took the pictures (with my camera), and they are of her children and my youngest two at a local splash pad.

This is my fourth year doing Project Life, and I'm just now starting to branch out a wee bit in creativity. I have not been spending much time in my scrapbook room, but I've spent a ton of time learning how to take better photos and bring traffic to my blog. So my time on traditional scrapbooking has been limited.

On the page below I found the tag for happy summer on my Project Life pinterest board and then used two matching journaling cards from this year's kit.

On this right side I used some scrapbook paper cut to size. Duh, not sure why I haven't done that before now. Obviously I'm not much of an out-of-the-box thinker.

Thank you for stopping by. More Project Life pages are here, here and here or do a search on my side bar for more layouts.


  1. I love all the photos! I did a photo week this week and I found it to be a nice change from the way I normally do PL.

    1. This is different for me this year, but I needed a break from the picture a day routine. Plus it gets some events in my albums that I might have waited to scrapbook later. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Following from Blog Hop Social!

    I think this idea is pretty cute. I used to scrapbook a lot but gave up the craft when life got ahead of me. I just don't think I'm that good to continue.

    1. Project Life is the best way to scrapbook and record memories for women who don't have a lot of time. You take the pictures, get them developed and throw them in the sleeves with a little journaling. Or no journaling, whichever is best for you. I do both traditional and Project Life and I love them both!

  3. I love that you incorporated your nieces pictures, it's fun to get a different perspective!

  4. Great pictures, it looks like a really fun layout and some great memories :-) Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!


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