
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Simple as That July 29, 2012

When I got a new camera at the first of the year one of my hopes was to take better pictures inside our home. Having recently taken my camera off automatic (yes, it took me six months to work up the courage) I'm still learning. Especially when my family is active and I'm trying to capture a moment without them making faces or hiding from me (no one else has that problem, do they?) I have a college age son who doesn't like his picture taken so I have to be sneaky or find him when he's engrossed in something else.

My deal of the week was my husband's purchase of an almost brand new wii. I love the looks on my kids' faces in the pic below. It's not a great picture, but it is night time outside, and it's better than using a flash (yes, it took me six months to give up the flash, too). I love that the word joy is in the background and reflects the fun my kiddos are having playing the wii together.

I have so enjoyed having Joshua home this summer, and apparently so have our cats. I couldn't resist snapping a picture of our two feline critters. They would never sit on my lap like this. Probably because I never sit still long enough.

Summer is flying by. Enjoy your days with your family. I am.

Linking with Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Lovely!

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany!

    1. Thanks for stopping by to visit! Would love to visit Germany some day.

  2. Love those photos! Funny, we have a cat just like the one sitting on the armrest .

    1. We have had many cats through the years, of all colors and shapes. The calico is our Callie and the black one is Lillie. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Good times. And aren't those the BEST photos??? (my husband scored an almost brand new DS (and it was even pink!) for our younger daughter at a garage sale...we were ALL excited!! :-))

    1. Love garage sales and yard sales and thrift stores! Tell your hubby good job for scoring a DS. I was not interested in a wii at all, but the kids have enjoyed it, and so have I :-)

  4. Awesome pics!!! I want a DSLR soooo bad!! I'll have it one of these days, but probably like you, it will take me months to switch off automatic! Haha!

    If you get a chance, pop by to see the new changes on my blog! I'm super excited. And I'm having a giveaway starting Monday too!! Woot!

    1. The camera was a big step for me, but I have absolutely loved it. Especially when I figured it out! It was daunting to me. Save those swag bucks. I got mine off Amazon.

  5. so cute, I love real, natural moments like these.

  6. Such fun expressions! I haven't played my wii in ages!

  7. That first photo is such a great capture! I also love that the word Joy is in the background. What a special time having your son home. My oldest is just entering high school this year and I know our days are so precious!!! Time moves so quickly.


Words of Encouragement