
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Great Money Saving Tips!

Money Saving Tips

We have two choices concerning money issues. Earn more or spend less. Or both. Many, many families are living paycheck to paycheck or borrowing money they may not know how to pay back. The tips I want to share are ways to help you save money.

  • Eat out less often. When you do, use coupons or order daily specials when at all possible. If you have young children visit those restaurants that have free kids meals.
  • Limit the use of convenience foods.
  • Read the grocery store circular before going shopping.
  • Buy the loss leader (items that are priced low to get shoppers in the store).
  • Clip manufacturer and store coupons and combine them with double (or triple) coupon days. Make sure you know the rules for your store.
  • Don't shop hungry.
  • Make a list and stick to it, deviating only with extremely good buys.
  • Investigate a big box store (Costco, Sam's) and decide if the membership price is worth the deals on food and other items.

  • Yard sales. The absolute best place to buy clothes that are barely used or even new. Usually priced to sell. Examine each item to make sure zippers and buttons work and no stains are present. Prices are often negotiable. When you find a great deal, stock up! If you spend $1 on something that doesn't fit and save yourself $50 by buying other used  merchandise the money saved is worth it.
  • Thrift stores. Find the best stores in your area and stop by as often as you can. Make a list of items and sizes you will need in the future. Some thrift stores have special sale days or racks. These stores also usually have furniture, home decor, toys and videos for sale.
  • Buying new. If you have to buy new, watch for sales and shop at stores that honor customer loyalty with rewards or discounts. Save gas and order online if you can easily judge sizes and fit.

CVS/Drugstore Rewards
There are blogs devoted to playing the "drugstore game." Customers are rewarded "dollars" for buying certain items, with the "dollars" to be used at a future purchase. 
This past Thanksgiving I went to my CVS store and bought $120 worth of items and received $120 in Extracare Bucks, making my next purchases free! If you pair these sales with manufacturer and drugstore coupons it is possible to even make money!

Ask questions! Recently I had $12 worth of Extracare Bucks that had expired a day earlier and I asked the cashier if I could still use them. She said yes. Most days I would have been too shy to ask.

Here is a tremendous resource to help you buy and sell everything from furniture to cars to services. This includes help wanted listings, apartment and home listings, personals and more. My husband just bought us a practically new, still under warranty wii for $40. The key is checking often on those categories that you're most interested in.

Bartering. In today's economy more people are willing to barter in exchange for goods
or services. We have bartered painting services for piano lessons, lawn care, vacation rental and therapy for our kids. You won't know until you ask!

Today we are all blessed to have access to an over abundance of money saving resources through the internet. There are ways to save money in practically every area of our lives. And somewhere on the net is someone dying to tell you how to do it! Read, research and invest some time in learning what works best for your family.

Want to see some of my yard sale finds? Click here and here. Want to know how my daughter had her dream wedding for only $5000? Check out the tab on frugal living (under my blog header) to find more ways to stretch your money.


  1. Yay! I love frugal posts! I did the same thing you mentioned above, but at Walgreens, a few years ago. After everything I spent nothing out of pocket and MADE $155 in Walgreen's equivelent of the ExtraCare Bucks. Those coupons for free merchandise went a long way towards Christmast goodies and stocking stuffers that year!

  2. Yea, I already do a lot of this! Now if I can only convince myself to have a garage sale to get rid of all the excess, outgrown, and unused stuff that I feel compelled to get rid of now that I started my new Fly Lady subscription (free!).


    1. You need to purge some of that stuff! It really is freeing. After my parents went into a nursing home and I was left to take care of all their worldly belongings, it helped me to loosen my grasp on some of my possessions. Try it!

  3. I just wish we had the same couponing rules here in Canada, that you do in the States, because the money we could save on food, well, on everything...hmmm...

    1. Couponing is different from state to state even here and from store to store. It's tricky but there are still ways to save. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Coupons are pretty much non existent here (Australia) but I have started purchasing a lot of things from hong kong/china, prices are great for all sorts of things, customer service is excellent and often free shipping. I just bought magic erasers $3 for 15 free shipping, they cost more than $4 each here. It's a shame because while I want to bu local it's just too expensive. We also grow a lot of our own fruit and veg, for a family of 7 we save heaps and the kids love it!

    1. I think it is so sad to have to go our of your country to get better deals, but it's just a reality of our lives when money is tight and/or we want to be a good steward of what we have. Especially with a family of seven!

  5. Great ideas! I didn't know that CVS had such a great program. I never shop there. Can't wait to get started. Are there any sites that you use in particular about saving at drugstores? Stopping by from a Mama's Story. Hope to see you at True Aim! Thanks for sharing.

  6. One of the things I noticed (especially with kids' clothing) is that I can save money buy just buying less clothes! The kids get clothes for their birthdays and christmas and "just because" from grandparents. If I took a better inventory and learned to put the brakes on the shopping, I'd save a lot!!

    Kristen @ Trial and Error Homemaking

    1. That is the truth! We don't have family that give ours clothes so what I buy at yard sales and thrift sales it what they wear. But as they get older they can go with me and have some choice as to what they buy. I figure if I buy something they really don't like and waste $1 it's still cheaper than retail! I just don't spend much money on wardrobe, even as they get older. It takes some doing, but it works! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Great tips!
    We are a huge thrift store family here :)
    Thanks for linking up with inspired tuesday last week!

    1. Thank you for leaving a comment. Thrift stores and yard sales. I love them!

  8. Great tips! I'm a thrift store addict. I go weekly. I try to get all of my kids clothes for about $.50 per item and so far so good. Found you through 504 Main!

    1. I can't find items that cheap here at thrift stores but I can get close at yard sales. Since I homeschool it's harder to hit the bargains but I manage to not buy any clothes first hand. It's a great money saver!

  9. Great, practical tips! Thanks for sharing! I intend to include you among the featured this week. :) Thanks again and blessings to you and your family!

    1. Thank you so much! I want to help other moms save money wherever possible! It's work that is well rewarded in the end. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Great tips...I know many of those, but don't necessarily live by them...I need to print out the list as a good reminder! Thanks!

    1. Thank you! It's hard to do all these things all the time, but I know doing some of them and making them a habit will save money! Thanks for visiting!


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