
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

52 Lists in 52 Weeks #29

List #29: Blog Memories

This blog of mine has evolved quite a bit from its early days in 2008. Here's a list of posts that give insight into my crazy life! I'd love if you'd join me for a trip down memory lane!

Very first blog post. I had no idea what I was getting into!
Chick-Fil-A Cow Day #1. Still celebrating every summer. This year makes #5. (And my oldest son still won't go with us!)
Random musings from my insomnia crazed mind. Yes, I still have sleep issues after eight years. It just is what it is.
One of the first of many, many, MANY homeschool posts.
Love must be a choice when attachment parenting.
My dad passes away and I give the eulogy and sing.

One of my most popular posts, hope, is our family's journey through adoption and RAD.
My favorite room in the house.
I share my thoughts about fears and faith.
The post that shares the newspaper article telling about my mom's tragic death.
My first Orlando trip with other moms of attachment challenged children.
My adopted daughter talks from the heart about living with RAD.
A season of change in my life.
My love letter to my oldest daughter on her wedding day.
Details of our surprise 25th wedding anniversary vow renewal service.
How to make a gallery wall. One of my favorite home decor projects.
Our new favorite family game, Quelf.
Family Blessing Jar tradition, one of my readers' favorite posts.
The BEST EVER Punch recipe!

This was a fun list for me to do because so much has changed in my life in the last four years. My two oldest children grew up, got married or went to college. My parents both passed away, my mom from tragic circumstances. Yet, as much as life changed, some things still remained the same. Homeschooling my two youngest children, struggling with attachment disorder, grieving the many losses in my life as well as cooking, cleaning and all those other "becky homecky" things we all do. Thank you for sharing a few moments of your day with me.

Do you have a favorite post from my blog? Are you a new reader or have you journeyed with me for a while? I'd love to know what made you laugh or cry or just be entertained!

1 comment:

  1. Found you via the blog hop. Love the list! It's fun to go back and reread what I've written.


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