
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Keep Your Child from being Homesick at Camp (Encouragement Notes)

As my children have gone to camp over the years their dad and I would send what we call "encouragement" notes along with them. These are daily reminders that they are loved, missed and uniquely set in our family by God's design.

My youngest two are at missions camp this week, the very first time for my son. He has dealt with his anxiety appropriately and I'm praying that this week will be life changing for him.

There are times as we've struggled with attachment issues that it has been hard to find encouraging words to say face to face with the child. Hand written notes are a way to buildup and encourage my children when I am not being pushed away to protect their heart.

These are notes I picked up at Michael's craft store in their $1 bin. They are small and compact, easily fit into a suitcase yet are a reminder that each child is loved and desired as part of our family. My husband and I each write one note per day and the child can open it whenever they want.

My oldest daughter (now married) used a picture frame and mat to display a few of the encouragement notes from her many trips. She gave the picture to us as a gift but eventually we gave it back because it is a reminder to HER that she is a vital part of our family. She can look back at memories of years past and instantly reconnect  with her feelings and experiences of camp/mission trips and knowing she was loved and prayed for.

These "encouragement notes" are not just for camp but can be used for lunch boxes, love notes left on the bed before sleep, and even posted on mirrors and desks. We all need a reminder that we are wanted and loved and accepted. For my older kids, even text messages can do the trick, although both my adult children have saved all their notes through the years. And yes, words of affirmation are my love language!

Linking with: Living Life Intentionally, 1-Minute Bible Love Notes, A Mama's Story, The Modest Mom's Blog, Cornerstone Confessions, Hip Homeschool Moms, ABC and 123, The Better Mom


  1. Aww! My kids are homebodies, especially the 2 youngest (ages 10 and 7). They miss our family and home and pets even if they're just staying a few days with family. I've sent notes and small gifts during camps for my daughter, but she was still homesick at Girl Scout camp. Perhaps when she's a little older? Great idea!

  2. How Beautiful! When my daughter was away at college we sent daily emails sometimes with pictures but always with love. She is back in the area now and working as a veterinarian which she loves. Can not imagine her living far away! When she goes back east for a week or two to visit her in-laws she calls at least every other day!

  3. Lovely post! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  4. This is a very sweet idea. Your children are blessed to have a mom who thinks of all the little details in life. I hope you will help them save some of these notes to remember as adults. Thanks for sharing on Bless and Be Blessed. I love your site and your practical ideas that have a deeper meaning. I pray that you'll have a blessed week. Gail


Words of Encouragement