
Thursday, June 28, 2012

52 Lists in 52 Weeks #26

#26 What I Actually Accomplished While my Kids were at Camp

Here's my original list and what I did/did not accomplish beside it!

  1. Sleep late. This is never a problem anyway because we are late risers at our house. And I can't sleep because of insomnia anyway. But I'm hoping maybe my body will feel sorry for me. Went to bed way too late each night, had trouble sleeping and got up earlier than I would have liked.
  2. NOT cook. I have a lot of coupons waiting to be used and there will still be two men in the house that know how to cook. A little bit. Enough. Actually cooked (if you can call hot dogs in a blanket and french fries cooking) one night.
  3. Scrapbook and work on my Project Life album. I may also work on my theatre album or at least scan and edit some old pics. I had pics printed and got current on my Project Life album. I also scanned some old theater pics.
  4. Photograph all the projects I've been putting off. Did a bit of this but not enough. I still have trouble shooting inside and getting good pics.
  5. Go see a movie with my hubby. We've had free movie tickets for a year and haven't gone. We're going. 'Nuff said. We couldn't agree on a movie. Big surprise :-)
  6. Sit in my rocking chair with my Ipod Nano and talk to God about those things that are on my heart. Did some of this but also sat outside in a hanging chair under our gazebo and listened to nature. Thanked God for this time to be still.
  7. Read. Read some more. A real, hold it in your hand book. I am very tactile and haven't been converted to an electronic reader yet. Did finish one book and started another.
  8. Research and decide if I'm brave enough to switch to WordPress. That makes me quake in my boots. If I wore boots. Which I don't 'cause y'all know this IS the South in the middle of summertime. Wore no boots. No further along in deciding about WordPress.
  9. Eat a bunch of chocolate. I know. How's that any different from the rest of the year? Ate Reeses Pieces and had some new raspberry sherbet that was delish.
  10. Blog. Now that's mostly fun so that's allowed. Wrote a lot. Researched a lot. Edited pics a lot.
  11. Take naps. Yeah, I try to do that every day, too. I try hard. I tried hard to nap but about 30 minutes was as long as I could manage.
My youngest two come back from camp tomorrow and I can't wait to hear all their tales of exciting adventures.  It was a blessing to spend time alone, but I realize I'm not ready for an empty house anytime soon!

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