
Monday, May 28, 2012

Project Life April 2012

I was on vacation last week and didn't get to participate in The Mom Creative and share my Project Life pages. So I'm going to jump in with a couple of weeks from April. (I don't stress if my pages aren't completed immediately. It's all about preserving the memories. I take notes or write things on our family calendar that I want to remember.)

This first layout is a monthly wrap-up for the month of April. I jotted down the major activities we participated in and any fun facts I wanted to remember. The pictures are just a hodge podge of the month.

Left Page: pictures of our yard sale, garden, Joshua home for break and playing in the yard.

Right Page: celebrating my son-in-law's birthday, brothers playing a game, my Twinkies cake and my husband's boots.

This second layout features a trip to the strawberry patch, preparing and freezing the strawberries, a family game of Quelf and my scrapbooking weekend.

I used my label maker to add some interest and description to the layout.

That ugly weird white thing would be my husband. Gotta love Quelf!

**My adopted children's names are smudged out to allow them some privacy as they are younger and I do talk about our adoption journey and struggles on my blog.
Linking with: We are That Family

1 comment:

  1. Hodge Podge pictures are the best! I love the idea of using the label maker looks great!!


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