
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Project Life and the Dog April 2012

 If you've read my blog for very long you know I try to be transparent, sharing the good times and the not so good times. As a parent of adopted children that struggle with attachment I sometimes have to search my days for laughter. Thanks to my dog Amy who provided my laugh for the day.

Trying to photograph my Project Life layout my dog decided to really tell me what she thought of my work. Yeah, thanks for that.

On to a layout from April. This week was a celebration of my daughter's 14th birthday. I used one picture of her opening a present but the others were from different times and events.  I love that they show the essence of my S. ** I also printed out a letter I had written years earlier and combined it with some recent journaling. I blogged about it here. One of my passions in scrapbooking is making connections between the past and the present. My words to my daughter encouraging her to look at the healing that has taken place in her heart will always be a reminder of our journey together. There is nothing special or unique or dramatic about this layout but it gives me perspective and brings me joy. Project Life, I love you!

 I used a strip of white paper and some ribbon to add a little fun to this page.

This page also has a reminder of our Maundy Thursday service at church and notes sharing that my college son was home for break this week.

 **The names of my adopted children are roughed out to allow them some privacy on my blog.

Linking with The Mom Creative

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