
Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Decorate with Pallet Shelves

We have lived in our home for 21 years, and it has undergone many transformations, mostly with a little paint and some used furniture replacing even older furniture. Nothing in our house would be described as "fine furnishings." Recently, however, we received some money that allowed us to fix some things in our home that had desperately needed replacing for many years: siding on the outside of the house; a new roof (thanks to an insurance claim): a new stove and refrigerator (it died while we were on vacation); Pergo flooring for the back of the house (replacing 20-year-old carpet, which endured through 5 kids and untold animals); lots of new paint colors and some dreaming of new rooms.

I'm embarrassed to say that we had these curtains made 21 years ago when we moved into our house! They were the anchor of our living room for many years. We had no furniture all those years ago but Tim bartered some painting for a friend to make these curtains. They were certainly durable! Yes, it was time for a change in decor!

This is the latest couch we had (from my parents' home when they moved into the nursing home). Certainly durable again but not really our style.

Here Tim is changing the color from burgundy to a sage green.

Much of a difference? Wow!

My inspiration is, of course, from Pinterest. As usual, my hubby is charged with implementing my ideas! If you keep your eyes open you can find pallets on the side of the road, usually set out for trash pickup.

With this kind of decorating, the more imperfections the better! My husband did nothing to prepare or finish out the wood. What you see is what you get!

And here is the finished product!

My pallet shelves are filled with things I love and that have personal meaning to me. I wish I could say I had the gift for placing knick knacks just so but I can't. My daughter went shopping around our house and gathered most of the items for the shelves. Then I played with them, moving them around until they felt just right. I am so pleased with how everything turned out! It feels new and improved yet vintage and unique.

Who are these strange people on our walls? They are actually my great grandmother and grandfather.

This bride and groom is from my mom and dad's wedding cake.

These lipstick holders are from my grandmother.

Thank you for sharing our latest home update with us! I have no qualifications as a decorator but what I've learned is to spend time discovering what you love and then experiment! You can't go wrong using items that make you happy.

Want to see how the pallet shelves look with my husband's amazing window table in our living room? Or his repurposed table made of fence posts? He even made me a centerpiece out of fence slats! Would love to know what you think.


  1. Great ideal, I would have never thought of using a palet that way! I love the way you used the topper from your Mom and Dads wedding cake, I think to often we store those things away and never enjoy them on a day to day basis.

  2. It's amazing how many things can be made out of pallets!

  3. I love it Marty! Thanks for sharing friend!

  4. It looks really good Marty! Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love it! Really loving pallets now, I saw on Pinterest, of course, a wall covered with pallet boards, taken apart and put up horizontally touching with a bit of finish for cleanliness, I think. Looked great. Hubs want to do it in his now-pink (former girl's bedroom) man cave.

  6. Great idea, it looks great! Gotta thank that hubby for a great implementing job! Love that it is filled with things you love. Thanks for sharing, visiting from Between Naps on the Porch.

  7. The wood pallet shelves look wonderful with the sage green walls. What a great transformation. And you've styled your shelves perfectly. Love it!
    I'm happy to be a new follower and hope you'll stop by.
    Mary Alice

  8. Very pretty. The color you painted looks like the color we just painted our living room, and we have one wall that's painted a deep red, similar to the color you painted over. Great work with the pallet.

  9. Love the shelf!

    The whole room looks great!

    We did the same kind of transformation this year ... with a lot of furniture from Craigslist. (I sold more than I bought.) It's so fun to have new colors on the wall.

    :) :) :)

  10. That is amazing! It looks so great!! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower- number 100 I believe!
    Hope you have a great week!

  11. I love this idea and I have a pallet that I have been holding on to b/c I want to hang it in our kitchen. I haven't done so yet b/c I am scared of the weight - how did you hang yours?

  12. I just love the way this looks! My hubby thought I was nuts when I told him to keep all the pallets, that I wanted some for shelving. I had to show him the pinterest pin I had and he loves it!

    Yours looks WONDERFUL & I love the lighter green in the room. The heirloom pieces you have are such treasures. LOVE the lipstick cases!

  13. Wow! I am so impressed with how wonderful it looks! I love it!!

  14. That looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing at Pin It and Win It Wednedsay! I'm pinning it!

  15. Oh that is fabulous! I have a pallet and I've been wondering what to do with it and how to change it! Maybe I don't need to change it at all! Thanks for sharing this great idea!

  16. Hi, I just found your blog through a blog hop, and we could be sisters. I now have two "pallet shelves" in my home, and I love them. Attaching them to studs doesn't hurt either, lol!

    I'm your newest follower, yay, and would sure appreciate a follow back! Thanks so much! By the way, beautiful wedding picture!!!

  17. It looks amazing! I love all the fun things you can do with a pallet.

  18. What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

  19. So fun! I use one for shelving in our faux fireplace opening. Yours looks awesome on the wall and love all of your special treasures on display. :)

  20. I love your pallet shelves, but I can't get my eyes off of that sage green. It's beautiful. thanks for sharing at our party this week.

  21. Awesome idea for the pallet shelves! Thanks.

    Kimberly @

  22. Love your new wall color, I also love your old one :). I have both sage green & burgundy in my home. The wood pallet shelves turned out so great! Maybe I can get my hubby to make me some, so nice having a handy man lol Thanks so much for sharing at Sunday Round Up! Have a great rest of the week!
    -Kayla :)

  23. wow girl that looks great! love it! thanks for sharing at cap creations.

  24. I love this! I foud some pallets the other day at a construction site, and have looking for some simple things to do with them. Thanks for the idea!

    Be sure to visit my site this week...I have an awesome organic giveaway!!

    -Shara @ Palmettos and Pigtails

  25. It's perfectly imperfect!!!


  26. Found your blog through the Bowdabra blog hop. Love the pallet shelf. I wouldn't of thought an old pallet would make a very pretty shelf. But it is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

    Pinning and sharing.

  27. Wow!, this is very creative. I like the striking contrast of the white things to the wood.

  28. This is beautiful :) Pinned it!

    Happy new follower from the I love my online friends hop. Hope you have a great week.

  29. So sweet! Thanks for showing this, I know just where to hang one just like it!!

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