
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

52 Lists in 52 Weeks #18

52 Lists in 52 Weeks : #18

Random Things I've Learned from being a Mom:

  • Your faith is to be lived as well as taught.
  • Be flexible.
  • Take your shower before anyone gets up. If you wait, it's not going to happen.
  • Must have Xanax for teaching driving (don't ask, just take my word for it).
  • The house will never stay clean.
  • Making your kids do chores at an early age reaps benefits in later years.
  • Say goodbye to a decent night's sleep.
  • Date night teaches the kids that mom and dad love, respect and enjoy each other.
  • Nap time is essential (for me, not them)
  • Do not compare, either your children or yourself.
  • Your child will be potty trained before college.
  • Routines are important.
  • Teach your kids to serve others by modeling it inside the home and outside.
  • Read to your kids. Until they leave home if possible.
  • Weddings are stressful but beautiful.
  • Turn the electronics off. They are not the babysitter.
  • Naps are amazing (did I say that already?)
  • Don't stay up too late at night (yeah, total fail)
  • Rock your children while you can. Relish in it.
  • There's nothing like the smell of freshly washed baby hair.
  • Leaving your child at college is heartbreaking.
  • Children do grow up. ~tears~


  1. I love this! I keep coming back to read it and might print it and post it on my refrigerator!


Words of Encouragement