
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Menu Plan Monday August 27, 2012

Every week when I plan out my menus I look back at last week's list and wonder when I'll ever follow it exactly! Here's last week's attempt:

Monday: Crock Pot Beans and Rice
Tuesday: Baked Chicken
Wednesday: Spaghetti (homemade canned sauce)
Friday: Crock Pot Beef and Veggies
Saturday: Pizza (Costco crusts)

Hey, I kinda made it all the way through the week (patting myself on the back)! I was nervous about Crock Pot Beans and Rice because it was a meatless meal and my hubby likes meat at least once a day. I warned him he might not like it and told him he could go out and get something else if he wanted :-) I used dried beans in the recipe and cooked them on the stovetop before adding them to the crock pot. I served it with tortillas, salsa, sour cream and lettuce, and it was quite good. We've been eating leftovers since then without much of a fuss! I'm also thinking it would be an easy way to make burritos for my college son to have to pop in the microwave at school.

Baked chicken. Check. Spaghetti. Check. Leftovers two nights in a row (one of the advantages of having less people to cook for). Saturday night we had pizza with flatouts, a flatbread we toast on the grill with pizza toppings. My family hasn't jumped on the wrap idea yet but we like them toasted. 

Next week's menu plan makes me sad. I was hoping Joshua would be home from college for part of Labor Day weekend (knowing he leads youth worship at The Summit on Sunday nights) so I planned some things I know he likes for dinner. Unfortunately, he has a job that is scheduling him on Thurs., Fri., and Saturdays, which leaves him no opportunity to come home. Yes, I cried. I'm a sap. He's in his sophomore year and I still miss him. As God directs him in his call into ministry I'm realizing more and more how difficult it is to let my children go completely. I am proud of each of them and excited to see where God leads BUT I do miss their physical and emotional presence in our home. There is a grieving process to letting go that I am still working through. I talked to our pastor's wife today about how hard this is since her son and his family are missionaries in France. One step at a time.

On to the food!

Monday: Caribbean rice with smoked sausage
Tuesday: Easy Stuffed Peppers
Wednesday: Crock Pot Beef and Veggies
Thursday: Poppyseed Chicken
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: London Broil (marinated and grilled)

Any good Pinterest boards that you follow with great recipes?

Linking with I'm an Organizing Junkie

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy, I wish I could stick to a menu plan but someone always objects in this household!


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