
Friday, August 24, 2012

Home is Where Your Story Begins and Giveaway

As many of you may know I've been trying to make the transition from family blog to a monetized blog, which basically means looking at it more as a business. I have spent the last six months reading…..and researching…….and scouring the net for resources. I haven't arrived, but I've learned a lot.

What's still on my to do list? Working up the courage to switch to Wordpress instead of blogger. Anyone have a great hosting company they use?

New blog header. Check. My niece Jennifer is a great graphic artist (as well as photographer) and she designed my new header. I adore it. I bought this wall hanging a couple of weeks ago and I just fell in love with the saying. I wanted a slogan/logo that would encompass all I write about without limiting myself to one area. I've been advised to have an overall theme for the blog with the categories that stem from it. Trying to narrow it down was a task! I love writing about many different areas of my life, and find that I have lots to say! (My family is just grateful I'm talking to someone else!)

Home is where your story begins. This saying describes the place in my soul that I write from. Everything I am/do/live comes from the belief that family is the foundation of the home.
  • My faith in God gives me the courage to trust God in service to my family.
  • Adoption is the tool God has used to bind us together in both trials and blessings, to reinforce that our family is divinely designed and knit together.
  • I love living a frugal life, stretching the resources God has blessed us with and discovering new ways to be a good steward.
  • Decorating has become a new found hobby and adventure. 
  • We are beginning our 19th year of homeschooling.  I believe God still has a lot to teach me through my children and He is opening doors to encourage others in this educational choice and calling.
  • My approach to scrapbooking has changed through the years but the essence is still the same: to capture our family's everyday life to help us leave a legacy of love and faith for years to come.
If you have been following me for a while I thank you for the encouraging comments and connections that have been made. If you are just beginning to join me on this journey I hope that you will continue to find things here that will uplift and support you.

On to the giveaway! I was contacted by with an offer of a $25 Home Depot gift card for my readers. is an incredible resource to help you save money on all of your home decorating, DIY and fabulously crafty projects! Check our their Home Depot coupons.

I don't know about you, but I have hardly touched the coupon resources on the web and love that there is another source for saving money. Here's more info: works directly with Home Depot and more than 3,700 other retailers to offer incredible savings on quality goods. Our Home Depot online coupons save shoppers $156.02 on average. Users can grab a code quickly (less than 90 seconds on average), or sign up for CouponCabin Rewards to earn points toward gift cards. We recently launched our mobile app - a single coupon app that lets you do everything from compare local gas prices to access the latest and greatest coupon codes to search for grocery coupons - and more! Learn more about savings on the go at .
You may earn one entry for the giveaway for the following: 
  • Leave a comment on this post.
Please leave a separate comment for each of the following:
  • Follow me via RSS feed (link on the side bar)
  • Like Marty's Musings on Facebook
  • Follow me on Pinterest
This is four possible entries (four separate comments). Contest ends at 11:59 PM on Friday, August 31st. The winner will be contacted directly and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen. Open to US residents 18 or older.

In addition to any disclosure required by applicable law, Promotion Partner shall include a full release of CouponCabin by each entrant or participant, with language substantially
similar to the following: “I received no compensation for this post and the opinion stated here is that of my own. I was not influenced in any wayBy entering this promotion, each participant agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor and its parent companies, affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective representatives, officers, directors, shareholders, agents and employees from and against any injuries, losses, damages, claims, actions or liability of any kind resulting from or arising from participation in this promotion.”


  1. I love the header, it really is coming together :)

  2. I already like you all those ways! LOLI think you are awesome and amazing! (Oh and it's Lorraine, from Graceland forgot I have this other username)

  3. I love the new title! That fits your blog perfectly! I am so excited for you!!!!

  4. Love the header and title. Thanks for sharing ur journey.

  5. Ooooh, I'd love to win that. I love your blog. It's beautiful!


  6. My husband is a Home Depot fanatic!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  7. I like you on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  8. I love the new look of your blog.

  9. I love the way your blog looks. The saying is perfect.

  10. Wishing you the best of luck with all of your goals. :)

    Sleepyheadedmom at gmail dot com

  11. I follow you via RSS with Google Reader.
    Looking forward to reading your posts.

    Sleepyheadedmom at gmail dot com

  12. Would love to win this. I've been reading your blog for years and love it.

  13. I thought I was already following you, but I am now!

  14. I already liked Marty's Musings on Facebook.

  15. I love the new look of your blog! It looks so nice & I love that you kept the red frame in your logo too.

  16. Love the new header. And when you do make the switch to Word Press, you will be so glad!

  17. I "like" your blog on Facebook!

  18. Hey Marty! I use Go Daddy as a host.. I use blogger for my current blog, but when I had my previous blog, I found the staff at Go Daddy to be very responsive and helpful.

  19. Hugs friend! God keeps growing you and moving you! I think this will be great as you reach another level to help others

  20. We could use this to fix up our deck.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  21. I like you on facebook.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  22. following you on Pinterest!!!!!!!

  23. I love your blog! Ive been blogging for years but only recently made changes and have started seeing it differently and trying to earn alittle $$$ from it.
    Good Luck!!!

  24. I'd love to be entered to win, thank you!
    And I do love your new header too. :)

  25. ohmygoodness! Have been researching how to make my own ottoman for our family room and this would help SO much! Thanks for the offer Marty!

  26. This is my first visit here. I have several sites and use HostGator, NameCheap, and GoDaddy for hosting. I've been with HostGator the longest and haven't had any trouble with them. I've heard complaints about them lately from people who have large sites though. All three are very reasonably priced and offer monthly billing, which is how I prefer to pay.

  27. I am following you via RSS on Google Reader.

  28. I like you on Facebook (Beth Parker -

  29. I am following you on Pinterest (Beth Parker -

  30. love home depot and coupon cabin! Thanks for a super giveaway!
    My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  31. I follow you on Pintrest as "anash"
    Thanks kindly!
    email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  32. I subscribe via google reader as "anashct [at] gmail [dot] com

    email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  33. Go Marty!! I love the new look!! Congrats on the beginning of a new adventure! I've been working on the same thing and it's so exciting!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  34. Yay! I had no idea your blog had a Facebook page! I'm following now!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  35. ...And I'm stalking you on Pinterest too!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  36. Your blog header is perfect...your niece is very talented and she has a fabulous website! Best of luck to you on your new blog direction. Cheers!

  37. I have found some great deals using coupon cabin

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  38. pinterest follower (chelleb40)
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  39. Marty, I recommend bluehost for hosting. Inexpensive, and they were recommended by the developer who set us up on Wordpress. Lexilyn Studio. I can put you in touch with her, if you're interested. She's very reasonable. I also have been following the Blog Maven and would use her for WP migration too. She seems to know her stuff.

    I would not attempt the move yourself unless you are super techy. Too many things can go wrong!

  40. Thanks for the chance. :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  41. I like you via FB as Alaine Elise
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  42. I follow you on pinterest
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  43. like the header! red it so cheery. thanks for the chance! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  44. I follow on pinterest swoodson scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  45. i like you on facebook! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  46. can we still be friends when you are famous??? I am proud of you and proud to be your friend - epf

  47. I use blogger, too, but keep hearing Wordpress is better for having a site that makes money. I bought my domain through Go Daddy. Would love to hear more about what you've learned!

  48. thanks for the giveaway
    my husband loves to shop at HD

  49. like u on fb Julie A Scott Laws


Words of Encouragement