
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scrapbook Room: Paper Storage

BMy scrapbook room is my pride and joy! It was a gift to me from my husband when my son graduated from our homeschool. We spent months planning and working out the details. I thrifted and yard saled and recycled. Here's a shot of the finished product or you can go here to enjoy all the details (and I mean ALL) of the room.

I am a paper-holic. I love paper. Patterned paper, cardstock, glitter paper, 8 1/2x11 or 12x12. Bright colors or pastels. Thus, I needed a storage unit that would meet my need to see the paper I had purchased (or been given or found at yard sales or marked down). I found these top two units at Goodwill for $10 each. They were divided into 6x6 cubbies with a removable shelf, allowing me to make 12x12 slots and a top shelf for misc. I love my paper storage!

The bottom storage is four units put together to serve as the base for the paper storage. I've had this unit for years and it gives me three shelves behind the doors and three drawers. I believe I got these at Target many years for $10 each.    

The paper looks like it's bending and it does somewhat, but I rotate it from side to side to keep it from getting misshapen. It really hasn't been a problem. Plus, the more I get the more squished in the cubby and less room to bend. Sounds like I need a trip to my favorite craft store!

I did have someone comment that it would be great to rotate my cubes so that my paper lays flat instead of up and down. That's a wonderful idea except that these units aren't cubes and can't be rotated (and the unit isn't square).  The slats that I removed from the unit in order to make the slots 12x12 can't be moved around either. I don't like that my paper bends, but it hasn't affected my layouts.

How do YOU store your scrapbook paper? Does vertical or horizontal work best for you?

Linking with Beneath My Heart, The Thrifty Home, Shabby Creek Cottage Sew Can Do
Between Naps on the Porch, Making the World Cuter, Today's Creative Blog


  1. Wow that is incredible....your dh did an awesome job.

    1. Thanks a bunch! My hubby probably wishes I'd stop buying paper now!

  2. amazing! That's alot of paper! lol Hopping by from the Blog Hop Social! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for visiting! It is a lot of paper. A lot. But there's always a wee bit room for more!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. This is great. You are so amazingly organized!!!

    1. Thank yo for stopping by! My son stays in this room when he's home from school so I'm afraid it's not as organized at the moment. But worth it to have him home.

  4. I'm in awe! What a lovely gift from your hubby. What a fabulous craft room. Seeing your great photos, I can almost smell the paper! Mmmmmm. I' m now following your blog and FB page.

    1. Thanks following me. Now I need to find time to DO something with all this paper!

  5. I love organized rooms like yours, I wish my house could look even half as organized... sigh...

    1. I love being organized but my kids are older so it's easier now. You just can't see the dust :)

  6. Oh. My. Gosh. Can I come live with you? Ok, can I just come scrapbook with you?? :)

    1. Come visit anytime. I'll dust off everything for you:)

  7. Oh boy would I love to come over and play!

  8. whoa, that's a lot of paper. i can't imagine all that not being organized like this! great find and great job!

    1. I love my unit, too! Now to find time to actually scrapbook!

  9. I love the way you've got your paper stored so you can see all the colors, how fun! Thanks so much for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

    1. Thank you for stopping by again! I'm enjoying your blog.

  10. It looks great. I store my paper vertically, either in hanging folders or in magazine-style boxes. It is easier to flip through than if it were flat. I like that you have used some open and some closed storage. I think it makes for a tidy look.

    1. I've stored mine many ways, and I do actually have 8x8 and smaller paper stored in a basket.

  11. Wow! I'm so impressed by your organization! What a great craft room!

    1. Thank you! I hate to say I have too much stuff! But at least it's organized and pretty!

  12. I love how you store your paper. I have a lot of paper, but it looks like a drop in the bucket compared to you! I store my paper horizontally in cubes from Michaels and in a large rubbermaid paper storage bin that has 6 drawers. I also store some of my single sheets in an accordian file for 12 x 12 paper. My 8 1/2 x 11 paper is stored in hanging files in my desk.

    1. I kinda look like a craft store, I know :-) I tend to only buy collections and then keep them together. I don't buy single sheets because I get a better deal buying packs. I know I have too much, but I love it all!

  13. Great storage for your paper. I too love paper. Another woman and I were talking today about trips we had taken to Paris. Each of us brought home beautiful papes we bought while our companions shopped for clothes. I hope you are making time to be creative.

    1. I would shop craft supplies over clothes any day! My son feels called to be a missionary to France so maybe I'll get there one day!

  14. Wow! That's a lot of fun! I would get lost in your craft family would never see me if I had a room like that!

    1. My college son has been home all summer so I haven't spent much time in there, honestly. But it does make me happy that it's all organized!

  15. Okay, totally drooling over your scrapbook paper collection! You did an awesome job organizing it -- and so inexpensively. That's what I'm talkin' about :)


    1. I do love me some paper :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  16. This is a great organizing tip for paper items--I can also imagine it working well for magazine storage, too. Lovely! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us today!

    1. It would work great for magazines, too, although I have mine stored in the closet. I have an abundance of those, too!

  17. Great looking craft room. I know it took lots of time,planning and organizing. I would love to sit and craft with you.

    1. Come on by and visit! I tend to be in and out, rarely spending extended time in the room. But I do know where everything is and it's great to be organized. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Hi There... You have alot but I need paperaholics! It is crazy... ! I wanted to make a suggestion to keep the paper upright and its cheap and I am willing to bet you already have them right now! Take toilet paper or paper towel tubes and cut to fit into each one depending on how wide you need them to be. AND if you get more paper(what am I saying.... WHEN you get more paper) you can cut new ones to fit. if the cardboard doesnt match..(I am a stickler to everything matching) you can cover them with paper!

    1. I love this suggestion and am trying it today! Not sure that I care if it's pretty because no one will see it now except me. But I probably just need to buy some more paper to solve the problem! Thanks so much for visiting!

  19. Hi There... You have alot but I need paperaholics! It is crazy... ! I wanted to make a suggestion to keep the paper upright and its cheap and I am willing to bet you already have them right now! Take toilet paper or paper towel tubes and cut to fit into each one depending on how wide you need them to be. AND if you get more paper(what am I saying.... WHEN you get more paper) you can cut new ones to fit. if the cardboard doesnt match..(I am a stickler to everything matching) you can cover them with paper!

  20. As a fellow paperholic, this is fabulous! I have given up the pretense that I can ever have enough paper lol.

    1. No, there is no such thing as enough paper! I just like to look at it sometimes!

  21. very nice organization piece from the gw! i like my paper stored flat too but you can gain much room by standing it on its side. thanks for sharing at cap creations this week!

    1. Thanks for visiting! Love all your thrifty finds!

  22. Wow - that is some organizational skills! I wish you could come help my sewing room out! :)

    1. It took quite a while to get it all together and we plotted and planned for several weeks. Thanks for stopping by!

  23. GREAT storage! We are currently in the process of finishing my room and it is quite the process! I store my paper vertical in cropper hoppers and don't have any trouble. They will kind of flap over if it's not to full, but that's not usually a problem since I "collect" paper too ;-) The cropper hoppers might fit in your cubbies and that would keep them a bit more straight or maybe some sturdy 12x12 chipboard spaced every so often to help support it?

    Thanks for sharing, found your post from the Serenity You Linky party!

    1. I actually have purchased a wee bit more paper (not too much) so it stands a little straighter. Even with it tilting it over it hasn't warped it. But the 12x12 chipboard is a good idea.

  24. So nice that you have a scrapbook room! I love it! I like paper too, but I tend to collect colored pens. Nice and organized too :)

    1. We all have our collections, don't we? I am very simple as far as pens go, but you can tell I love me some paper!

  25. Hi Marty, popping in from Naptime Review, and now following. I aspire to get my supplies organized even close to as well as yours, nice!!!

    Hugs, Tanya :)

    1. Thank you for coming by. Organization is great. Now it's time to actually use my stuff!

  26. Great job Marty's the paper looks so organized. winks, jen

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a great day!

  27. Visiting from the Monday Mingle. New to your site and looking forward to following you! I love this storage idea. If I had a bigger home I would absolutely have a scrapbooking room!
    Come and check out my blog:

    1. I only have a scrapbooking room because my daughter got married and son went to college (still have 2 at home). Sad to see them go for sure but the room is a special treat.

  28. I love it! Can I move in and scrapbook with you!? My stuff is in boxes right now and I'm totally missing it. My husband tells me that I'll be getting a craft room when we move (fingers crossed!)
    New followed from Mom's Monday Mingle!

    1. Come by and scrapbook anytime! Since I'm blogging more I"m not scrapbooking as much. That's sad!

  29. I don't scrapbook, but i'm always looking for ways to organize. My 6 year old daughter has her own art studio and it needs organizing all the time. I love what you did here. I found this link on frugally sustainable

    1. Her own art studio? You are a fabulous mom to help her have that. Love that she is doing something she loves.

  30. That is amazing!!! I wish I had a room like that! And I'm envious of all of your paper!

    1. I know I have a slight paper obsessions. Sometimes I just like to look at it, too!

  31. great job with all of the storage! Makes crafting sooo much easier! I'm working on an office overhaul too, so this is perfectly timely inspiration!

  32. I'm always eager to see someone else's scrapbook, craft or sewing room, so I was drawn to your blog when I saw this post over at BNOTP. I really like having my paper stored vertically, too. When we moved into our home a year ago, I was able to claim one of the bedrooms for my craft-sewing room. It was one of the last rooms we painted, so I had plenty of time to completely plan the layout & everything. I absolutely love my space. I did a couple of posts about it, & here is a link if you are interested in seeing it: I've been following Becky Higgins & Project Life since the beginning & just adore her and all that she has to offer. I am now following your blog, too!


  33. Great use of storage. I could kick myself, I gave one of those units away last year. I never thought about using it like you did!

  34. LOVE this setup!! Oh and I wouldn't mind having that paper collection! WOW!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! :)

  35. You are so organized! This is great! I am your newest follower! :-) I would love it if you would visit my blog at :-) Hope you have a great weekend! Tonya

  36. Wow, Marty! Love the organization! And supplies! I don't think I'd come out of that room! lol! Thanks for sharing!


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