
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Last week's plan:
Monday: Chicken crescents (made from homemade bread dough)
Tuesday: Sandwiches on homemade focaccia bread and salad
Wednesday: Spaghetti and salad
Thursday: BBQ Pork chops in the crock pot
Friday: Omelettes in a bag
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Baked a turkey

The good thing about having a plan is knowing that I can switch it around as needed and still have an idea on how to feed my family cheerfully (still working on that part :-) My son and I made about 50 chicken pockets on Monday (working on the recipe and pics), most to freeze for him to take back to college in a couple of weeks. Tuesday ended up being Omelettes in a Bag which are a family favorite. Wednesday I canned spaghetti sauce and served it for dinner as well. Thursday was leftovers and Friday was BBQ pork chops in the crock pot. Last night we had company and Joshua made lime chicken on the grill.

I do not seem able to stick to a menu plan completely (never have), but I'm still at least trying a few new things and bringing back some of our family favorites. I don't list the sides that I serve just because I know I'll probably change my mind on these, too, but I do serve salads and green vegetables. 

This week's plan:

Monday: Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas, refried beans
Tuesday: Salad, fixins and chicken salad
Wednesday: Bacon, eggs, biscuits
Thursday: Suasage noodle skillet, broccoli cornbread
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: BBQ Chicken

What are you fixing this week?

Other family favorites include Easy Enchiladas, Stuffed Peppers and Love Chicken. 


  1. The omelette in a bag idea is great! Omelettes have always intimidated me . . . but I'm pretty sure I could handle this method.

    1. I stink at making real omelettes so this will work, I promise!

  2. Hello, I'm stopping by from Organizing Junkie today.
    I've always enjoyed cooking with our son. Today we made homemade Belgian waffles. We always have a good chat when we're prepping and cooking.
    You have some wonderful meals planned this week.
    The humidity has arrived in Las Vegas. It has me wishing for our dry hot days.
    Enjoy your week!

    1. Your waffles sound amazing. It's always great to cook with your kids. That's one of the things I want to make sure all mine now how to do when they leave home.


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