
Friday, July 27, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Beyond

Five Minute Friday

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.

2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
Writing Prompt: Beyond

Yesterday was beyond me.  Parenting wounded children. Meeting the needs of the rest of my family. Cooking. Planning school. Listening to my husband. Functioning.

They were all beyond me on that day. I reached the wall of coping and fell bitterly at its feet. Whipped. Broken. Unhinged. Distraught.

It's been a tough few years for me. Loss compounded loss. All I believe about God has been tested. His sovereignty. His goodness. His good and perfect and pleasing will. And yesterday it all collided in a perfect storm.

The place where the veil of darkness threatened to lower and bury me. Thoughts of suffering and guilt.  Inadequacy and fears. Taking "every thought captive" was impossible for those few hours where I dwelled in the pit of misery.

But today is a new day. Yesterday I grieved and wailed and gnashed my teeth. Today I sit quietly waiting for God to surround me with the unconditional love that only comes from Him. Beautiful acceptance and strength and peace.

As I sat in my rocking chair yesterday unable to breathe a coherent word, this song reached the depths of my soul.

When hope is lost
I call You Saviour
When pain surrounds
I call You Healer
When silence falls
You'll be the song within my heart

Yes, today is a new day. Thank God, because yesterday was beyond me.

I've had questions without answers
I've known sorrow, I have known pain
But there's one thing that I cling to
You are faithful, Jesus You're true 

When hope is lost
I call You Saviour
When pain surrounds
I call You Healer
When silence falls
You'll be the song within my heart

In the lone hour of my sorrow
Through the darkest night of my soul
You surround me, You sustain me
My defender for ever more

When hope is lost
I call You Saviour
When pain surrounds
I call You Healer
When silence falls
You'll be the song within my heart

And I will praise You
I will Praise You
When the tears fall
Still I will sing to You
I will praise You
Jesus praise You
Through the suffering
Still I will sing to You

When hope is lost
I call You Saviour
When pain surrounds
I call You Healer
When silence falls
You'll be the song within my heart
I will praise You
I will praise You

When the tears fall
Still I will sing to you
I will praise You
Jesus I will praise You
Through the suffering
Still I will sing to you
When the laughter fails to comfort
When my heart aches, Lord You'll be there
When confusion is all around me
And the darkness is my closest friend
Still I'll praise You
Jesus praise You


  1. I LOVE this post! I've had many days like that. Days where I ask to be thrown back into the pit of despair. But, so thankful that God is with us even on those days. "He will be the song in my heart". Stopping by from the 5 Minute Friday!

  2. Thanks for sharing this lovely post.


Words of Encouragement