
Friday, June 1, 2012

What Healing Looks Like

Sometimes my S amazes me with her insight. She often struggles with word finding and expressive language, but she tries hard and is still working on it. Yet she often finds just the right things to say.

As we were in the car driving to the orthodontist's office we were talking, as usual, about choosing to look at the positive things in life and not the negative. My daughter piped up and spouted out this poem:

“I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow;
And ne’er a word said she;
But, oh! The things I learned from her,
When Sorrow walked with me.” 
 Robert Browning Hamilton

Apparently S memorized this poem many years ago and it has remained with her. Completely out of left field but totally prompted by the Holy Spirit she told her brother how much she has grown, not from the easy ways of life, but from the trials. She was completely clear and succinct with the message of her words.

Yet when asked after dinner tonight to recite the poem for her dad S couldn't do it! She doesn't perform well under pressure, but I also believe God used her in those moments in the car to connect with her brother, reiterating how God has transformed her own life. She has allowed Him to take the broken things and make her new. Her "walk with Sorrow" has not been for naught. God is good.

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

    Hope your weekend is BLESSED!

    :) :) :)

  2. Oh wow. How touching. That really blessed me and gave me (much needed) hope today! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh sweet girl! Thank you so much for posting. My own girl, from hard places, keeps trying. We all keep trying... to give, offer, and accept the love.
    Thank you for sharing the little victories.
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  4. Beautiful in every way! That must have been quite a moment when she shared with you like that :)
    Happy Sunday!

  5. After having the pleasure of getting to know S, this brought such joy to my heart! Please give her a hug from me. I can only believe this is a seed planted in M's heart that will bear fruit one day. (((hug))) Your Momma's heart must be so thrilled!

  6. beautiful shot and such a sweet story!

  7. That is a beautiful poem and it is always great when the Holy Spirit gives you the right words to say at the right time!


  8. I am new to your blog, and I love it. This post is amazing!


Words of Encouragement