
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Simple as That June 30, 2012

Babysat my great nephew Will Saturday morning and had fun taking pictures of him and my husband.

My camera has been off automatic almost entirely for a couple of weeks now. Still learning but at least I'm trying!

I did not photoshop the pictures at all except to add a little boost. That's it.

This kid has a face that will capture your heart!

Auntie M loves you, Will Will.

He sucks the same two fingers my firstborn did and it makes me swoon!  

Linking with Ni Hao Y'all


  1. One of my daughter's does the same thing with the same fingers!
    He is precious!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  2. What a cutie!
    And congratulations on being off automatic! Way to go :)
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Wonderful captures of a charming boy!

  4. I agree with Stefanie...congrats on moving to manual. It was one of the scariest moves I ever made, but totally worth it.
    Love his little expressions…too cute!

  5. OMG, is he sweet! Love his expressions! You captured him beautifully!

  6. these shots are so cute! I love his expressions! Shooting manual is definitely a great step to take!


Words of Encouragement