
Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Blessing Jar (and other uses for Mason jars)

Jen over at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam wrote a post on fabulous ideas for mason jars. I thought I'd chime in with my favorite way we use one at our house. 

It's our Blessing Jar, a tradition that goes back to 1999. At that time we just had two children and couldn't possibly have even imagined the changes the next few years would bring, with both joys and trials. 

Our favorite family tradition occurs on Thanksgiving Day. We have lunch at our house for our family (our kids, my niece and family and our friend Barbara.) Late afternoon then finds our immediate family meandering up the street to Wagoner's Tree lot, where we have picked out our tree every year for more than 15 years. We come home, drag the tree in the house and start decorating. Point of Grace Christmas CD must be playing and Russian tea must be served. It truly is the highlight of our year, a tradition we hold to tightly and joyfully.

After the tree is decorated we gather around our table and take out our blessing jar. This special little jar sits on our kitchen table year round, reminding us to take time to appreciate God's blessings, both small and large. No special paper needed. Any scrap will do! We then go around the table and one by one open the slips of paper, seeing the blessings of our lives laid before us. As we read from the past year we are always reminded of the ways God has taken the good and bad times and turned them into family memories, a tangible picture of God's love for us. I cannot begin to tell you how we look forward to this time. As our family ages and changes we welcome new members and treasure those to come in future years. 

For the jar itself I used my trusty Cricut and cut the word blessings out of vinyl. I attached a ribbon and button and it was done!

Our little jar, filled with the promise of tradition and memories.

What do I do with the blessings after we read them on Thanksgiving night? I save them until I'm ready to scrapbook them! The layout below is from 2005 and features just a few of the blessings from that year. Not one of my finest pages but it is done and in our album as a reminder of God's goodness and those traditions that make our family unique.

When we remodeled my scrapbook room last year I used every item imaginable for storage: baskets, pasta jars, spice jars, boxes, drawers, and of course, mason jars. Here is part of my button storage.

I also store ribbon in mason jars.

Apparently my cat loves the jars as well.

I hope you've enjoyed this little glimpse into my love of mason jars and our family tradition of the Blessing Jar. I hope you'll try this in your own family and be blessed.


  1. What an awesome tradition! I love that and, I LOVE mason jars...I mean, who doesn't, right?!!
    Thanks for sharing at the sugar bee party!!

  2. a joy filled jar!!! Hopping over from Cowgirl Up, already happily following you xo

  3. I love your blessigs jar! I'm your newest follower from the "Too Cute Tuesday" blog hop. Please checkout my blog:

  4. What a WONDERFUL idea! I love this, and will be doing this with my family too. I also loved the header on your blog. I've never seen one done that way before. I'm now your newest follower!


  5. Great idea! I think if I did it I would label the jar "blessings 20.." and then keep the Jars up in our attic and take them out each thanksgiving to enjoy! (visiting from WFMW)

  6. This is WONDERFUL!!!!! Love this tradition!

    Thanks for sharing at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  7. Very nice, please link it up with me today at Wow Us Wednesday.

  8. What a lovely tradition! I'd love to start that in our home.

  9. Love the idea of a blessing jar :) Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a sweet sweet tradition! I love mason jars for so many things! :)

  11. I love this post, I was wondering if you would link it in my Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Here is the link:

    I would love to have anything that you would like to link.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  12. That is a wonderful idea! And I love how organized you are with your scrap booking. That's inspiring! Thanks for from Works for me Wednesdays.

  13. What a lovely tradition! That must be such a special time for your family!

  14. What a lovely idea! So glad you linked this to Things I've Done Thursday!

  15. I love the idea of the Blessings jar. I will start one this weekend for my family. Thank you for the idea!

  16. I LOVE the Blessings jar idea!!!! What a neat tradition, but also great way to remind yourself of all the blessings! I'll have to do this and keep it in my kitchen! Thanks for sharing this and for the inspiration!!!!

  17. I love the blessing jar idea!!! I think I'll have to borrow it. What an awesome idea! Hopping over from Hip Homeschool Hop. A Little R & R

  18. Great idea! need to start this tradition!

  19. This is GREAT! Crossing my fingers you'll share at my party! Saturdays at Seven! XO, Aimee

  20. Beautiful Idea! :) I'd love to invite you to join us on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes! I know my readers would love this idea too!
    Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

    1. Thanks for sharing this great post on Saturday Show & Tell @ Cheerios and Lattes last week! :) Hope to see you again this weekend! :)

  21. What a great way to count your many blessings!


  22. What a great idea for the blessings jar!
    Stopping by from the It's Overflowing Party :-)

  23. This is such a wonderful idea! I love that you fill the jar all year long - I'm sure it helps you remember the little things along the way. It's always hard for me to tell something I'm thankful for when I'm put on the spot at Thanksgiving (other than the obvious big things in life), so I really like this idea. Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. You've inspired me to be more aware of the blessings in my life and to jot them down. Remembering what God has done is so important and so easy to forget when new things come in and take over our thoughts. I'm glad I found your post. Very inspiring! I'm your newest follower. I hope you'll stop by Quirky Vistas sometime as well.

  25. Your Blessing Jar is such a wonderful idea. What a great tradition!!!
    Glad to have found this through Keeping It Simple - Motivate Me Monday link party!
    Rhiannon from

  26. I am starting this tradition. Such a simple way to bring glory to God and teach everyone to be grateful. Love it.

  27. THis is such an amazing idea - thanks for sharing.

  28. Love the blessing jar idea!! So cute! Thanks for sharing on our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". Hope you come back next week. -The Sisters

  29. This is neat. What a great way to make Thanksgiving extra special. I'd love to have you link this up to Titus 2 Tuesday on Cornerstone Confessions. Hopping over from Our Delightful Home.

  30. So lovely. I have always wanted to cut vinyl on my Cricut--- is it hard? can you get vinyl anywhere?
    also, i'm a big mason jar fan & just posted about 'em too.
    thanks for sharing your blessings jar! This is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Would love for you to stop by and link up at my HEART&HOME link party at! :)

    blessings to you,


  31. This is featured on this weeks Flaunt It Friday link party at Blissful Bucket List!! Stop by to get a button and link up again! :) Thanks for sharing!

    Sarah @

  32. Hi Marty!
    Thank you for linking up your Blessing Jar and other jar ideas in our Saturday Crafty Showcase last week! Your post was one of our top most clicked post and you are being featured today! Stop on over and say HI and see your feature. We'll be giving you a Facebook, twitter and Pinterest shout out today!

    We would LOVE for you to stop in on Saturday-Thur and link up more of your crafty post! We love your blog.

    Susie @Bowdabra

  33. This is GREAT! Featuring you today! XO, Aimee

  34. What a great tradition to start with my kiddos!


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