
Thursday, June 21, 2012

52 Lists in 52 Weeks #25

#25 What Would You do if You had a Free Day? (Otherwise known as, What am I doing next week?!!!)

My youngest two children are going to camp next week. This is a big, big deal. One is going to the boys camp and one is going to the girls camp. About 5 miles apart. S went to overnight, 5 day camp last year with friends from our old church and she did quite well. She was the oldest age of the girls. This year she doesn't know a soul and will be the youngest age at the camp.

M is going to overnight camp for the very first time. He doesn't know a soul. He will be about the middle age of the boy campers. Guess what? He's anxious. Big surprise. As a kid who suffers from anxiety issues this is a big deal. We sent in the registration forms without telling them what we were planning because we didn't want to send M into anxiety spasms months before time. After I survived vacation I was afraid M would stress about camp until it was time. Not so much. He's done well and we've actively worked through the unknowns and fears that he associates with this new experience.

Which brings me to, what in the world does this have to do with the list of the week? Next week is now being declared Mommy's Week! The first week in years and years that I will have the house to myself (if Joshua and Tim both have work, that is). But I will not actively be parenting 24/7 and will be able to choose whatever I want to do! Anybody envying me just a little bit? So here's my well thought out, dreamed about list for next week.

  1. Sleep late. This is never a problem anyway because we are late risers at our house. And I can't sleep because of insomnia anyway. But I'm hoping maybe my body will feel sorry for me.
  2. NOT cook. I have a lot of coupons waiting to be used and there will still be two men in the house that know how to cook. A little bit. Enough.
  3. Scrapbook and work on my Project Life album. I may also work on my theatre album or at least scan and edit some old pics.
  4. Photograph all the projects I've been putting off.
  5. Go see a movie with my hubby. We've had free movie tickets for a year and haven't gone. We're going. 'Nuff said.
  6. Sit in my rocking chair with my Ipod Nano and talk to God about those things that are on my heart.
  7. Read. Read some more. A real, hold it in your hand book. I am very tactile and haven't been converted to an electronic reader yet. 
  8. Research and decide if I'm brave enough to switch to WordPress. That makes me quake in my boots. If I wore boots. Which I don't 'cause y'all know this IS the South in the middle of summertime.
  9. Eat a bunch of chocolate. I know. How's that any different from the rest of the year?
  10. Blog. Now that's mostly fun so that's allowed.
  11. Take naps. Yeah, I try to do that every day, too. I try hard. 
Notice there are no cleaning or organizational projects on this list. No homeschool planning. No hard labor. No slaving out in the yard. (My hubby just died from laughing too hard.) Nothing that I HAVE to do. Ahhh. The sound of silence.

What would YOU do if you had one day (or even more) to yourself? I'm up for suggestions from y'all! Give me your best advice.


  1. Your plans for next week sound fantastic! That said, can I just say that I am so incredibly envious of you!?!? I love all my children dearly, but sometimes a mommy just needs a break.

  2. Relax in a bubble bath without any interruptions.

  3. Sounds wonderful . . . and amazing . . . and I wish I could hop on a plane and come join you.

    I have absolutely no idea what I would do if I had 5 days without any parenting responsibilities. Nope. Cannot imagine it. Right now . . . even 1 day would be a gift.

    I know what you can add to your list. Pray for your friends that could really use a break right about now (like me). Oh yes ... prayers would be really good for us this coming week.



Words of Encouragement