
Thursday, June 14, 2012

52 Lists in 52 Weeks #24

# 24 Things to do over Summer:

Take my kids to camp for 5 days!

Open (and possibly even use) the Jillian Michaels exercise DVD's I got for my birthday two months ago!)

Make homemade Oreo ice cream

Change my blog over to Wordpress (now that scares me)

Read Around the World in 80 Days and do geography unit study with the kids

Clean the windows in the house (check! My son did this for me. Yes, I paid him. He needed the money and I wanted it done.)

Organize my jewelry in the bedroom

Do a lot of yard saling!

Make some new cards

Go swimming with another RAD mom and her kids

Go see a movie. In a theater. Using the free tickets we've had for a year.

Plan for the new school year

Watch YouTube videos on photography

Take a lot of naps : -)

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