
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Circle of Moms: Expressing Your Opinion

What happened to the Circle of Moms contest I talked about here? This is the explanation on their website:

UPDATE: After serious consideration, we have decided to cancel our Adoption Blogs by Moms – 2012 contest. Our Top 25 program is meant to celebrate, connect, and support mom bloggers. Following some feedback from participants in our 2011 contest, we decided to make this year's Top 25 more inclusive. In doing so, we unknowingly stepped into a very sensitive issue and debate, and we apologize to all the moms who have been offended, no matter what your position on adoption is. We're committed to finding a way to give all parties in the Adoption Triad a voice on Circle of Moms. If we run a Top 25 Adoption Blogs in the future, we'll consult with mom bloggers in each part of the Adoption Triad on how to create a supportive contest where all bloggers would feel welcome and respected by Circle of Moms and by all participants. We appreciate the time and energy every participant put into this contest during the past week, and we sincerely regret that we can't reward those efforts in the way we had planned to when we launched the contest.

I have a few thoughts about all of this but I'm stewing on the post at the moment. My heart is that each of us has a different story and one story is not more valid or important than the other. It is just our story. Our life. Our journey. We don't have to agree with someone or even understand them to accept them as they are. At the very least, we should have the decency to keep criticism to ourselves. If we disagree and feel like the right thing to do is express an opinion, then we should do it in a respectful way. If I have learned nothing else from our adoption journey, it is that no one understands until they walk a mile in our shoes. That goes for the biological/first mom, adoptive mom and child.

Thank you for those who supported my blog and voted for me. My deepest desire is to be an encouragement and support for other moms.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, yes, I would agree with you. I am adopted (& in the middle of a series about my adoption at my place) & I think BOTH of my mothers would say "If you don't' have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!" - Sorry to hear they canceled it. Hopefully in being entered you touched at least one person in some way. :)


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