
Sunday, April 29, 2012

52 LIsts in 52 Weeks #17

Week #17

Words or phrases that are uttered in my home daily:

Are you serious?
Put your fork down and take a breath.
You're muttering.
What is your plan for the day?
Can we do Bible drill?
School is about practicing life.
Did you do your chore?
We're going to read.
Can I have a hug?
What did he say?
Are you okay?
Did you finish your schoolwork?
Can I have a packet (a drink mix)?
Stop arguing.
Let's go over your math.
Can I help you with dinner?
May I play my computer time?
Amy, stop it (to the dog that will NOT stop scratching).
Speak less, say more.
Do you have a headache?
Holly, get out from underneath the table (to the dog that only goes under the table when we're eating. Smart dog.)
I'm sorry.
Outside (to the dogs)?
Can we watch Duck Dynasty? (THE funniest show on A&E)
Can I have a piece of chocolate?

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