
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

52 Lists in 52 Weeks #13 and #14

Discovered this linky list site here so I'm going to join in.

7 Questions (List #13)

1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
Probably the ability to know what is true. Deciphering the truth would save a lot of wasted time spent wondering who is lying and what is truth in media.

2. If you could hold the world record for something, what would it be for and why?
Longest for holding breath because then I wouldn't worry that one of my family will drown when we're out in the ocean.

3. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

4. Where would you hide something if you didn't want it to be found?
Well, I'm not going to tell you because my family reads my blog and then they'd know my secret stash!

5.  What is one of your Spring and/or Easter traditions?

6.  Would you rather have to cook dinner from scratch every night, make all of your own clothes (including patterns), or walk everywhere you wanted to go?
I guess I'd have to say cook dinner from scratch. I'm trying to wrap my mind around what healthy eating looks like at age 50 so cooking from scratch would make me use fresher, healthier ingredients.

7.  What is your most embarrassing moment?
I'm sure this is not the worst but it's one I remember vividly. I went to dinner with my soon to be fiance's family our first Thanksgiving together. In the upstairs bathroom there was a glass topped table next to the toilet. Not only did I knock it over once, I knocked it over a second time and broke it. I could have melted into the floor. I'm sure nerves had a great deal to do with it, but it still makes me feel awkward 27 years later!

7 Questions (List #14)

1. What is your favorite color TO WEAR?

2. You are given the choice between visiting every country and landing on the moon? Which would you choose?
Visiting every country. I'd rather know more about the world I live in than a world I cannot.
3. What's your favorite animal and why?
Cats. I love having a lap kitty to cuddle with (though at present, neither of our two cats will sit in my lap).

4. You are forced to do one of the following, which would you choose: Skydive, scuba dive or the world's largest rope swing? 
My stomach churns at the thought of either of these. I guess I would choose skydiving because I could have the instructor to hang onto!

5. You are given the chance to go back in time. Which era would you visit?
I always loved the Little House on the Prairie days but I'm afraid I'm way too lazy to live then. I would love to live during the years Jesus was alive.

6. If you had the power to remove one thing (ie: flies, mosquitos, junk food) from the earth for good- what would it be?
Probably sweets because that is my biggest temptation and hardest thing to give up.

7. What is one thing you've learned from Pinterest that made you think "GENIUS"!
Here is my pinned blog post about the overnight sock bun. It has revolutionized my hair! Maybe not on the scale of a Nobel Peace Prize but something I use constantly! Love it!


  1. AWESOME answers! ESPECIALLY #1 from today's questions. I hadn't thought of that one, but it's now rivaling my teleporting answer. haha!

  2. Aww yay - resurrection cookies! I used to make those with my kindergartners in Sunday school every Easter!

  3. Hi! I saw your link on Made in a Day. I love how the wall turned out!

    I'm your newest follower :)

    PS. I really want to try skydiving some day.


Words of Encouragement